Monday, September 19, 2011

market preparations

 Sewing in the new studio is happening but im not even going to talk about
how challenging getting ready for market this weekend will be.
Stock is critically low after being featured on some pages. Ive only got a few eskimos left and wanted to still cover both cold and hot seasons for the next one or two markets because you never know what the weather will throw at us. To catch up on the weeks of creating ive missed... 

ive made a list to help me focus

monday : wrap dresses
tuesday : eskimos or knits
wednesday : mending/recycling/upcycling
thursday : quilts and homewares
friday : finishing off, tagging and pricing

So of course today I made pom-poms!
(cheats tutorial coming soon if you couldnt work out what I do from this post)

Ive still been sticking to my plan and have begun a few wrap dresses. 16 at last count! Last night I discovered
I can cut out and talk on the phone at the same time and wonder why have I not realised this before?

So its monday, the studio table looks like this and definitely making a record of it in this way each day will give me some added incentive for the week. Also being good to look back on for following market lead ups.   

Even though focusing is what its all about I have to have a little something extra sitting near the machine for when I need to take a break from what im supposed to be doing and in a weird way it keeps the flow. So the hats for boys are a new item im playing with plus left over purple juniper boots which never got sewn up from last time.

Huge thanks to Sonya for the big bag of doiley goodies she sent me the other day.
They are really gorgeous! Those blue ones are so amazing... all that work!

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